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The average price of a Cane Corso puppy in Alabama ranges from around $900 to $2,000. Most likely, you’ll spend around $1,100, but superior lineage pups can start at $2,500 and go up to $8,500.
At six months old, most Cane Corsos are between 21 and 24 inches tall. Male puppies weigh around 60 to 65 pounds, while females weigh slightly less at 55 to 60 pounds.
Cane Corsos need moderate exercise, roughly two walks per day, to keep them in top shape. Leash walks are essential, and they should never be left outside unsupervised.
The average lifespan for Cane Corsos is between 9 and 12 years, similar to other large-sized breeds. Factors like nutrition, environment, and care play a role in their longevity.