Golden Retriever - 4 Months
1,193 families have looked at this puppy!
Christopher Robin LOVES the water. Hes smart, sweet, calm and snuggly. Hes whiter than the others and super smart. Located in Parker Colorado. There has been a lot of work put into this litter, OFAs hips, eyes, heart, elbows and genetics, so we can guarantee amazing health, vitality and best of all longevity. They will have a beautiful English cream silky coat. Dark black points, Black nose and eyeliner, big bones, blocky head and will be service dog evaluated to be smart, calm, intuitive, gentle, and is super healthy. The parents are on our abundant nutrition program that produces world class pups. We assist you all the way from selection to nutrition and more. You get the full package Dont settle for less. You can learn more on under puppies up and coming.
- puppy_wanted: nice looking pups!