English Labrador Retriever Puppies
617 families have looked at this puppy!
See new Video’s of Puppies every week as they grow on YouTube. Latest YouTube video youtu.be/rmZIptt3rGs Generations of Good Hips, Blocky Heads, stout bodies thick fur. Go to www.rufflabradors.com for full details. For pictures and info of parents click on The Girls or The Boys tab then click on the pictures to go to each parents pages for more info. Email or text us for a YouTube link of current puppies. Call Or text cell. Hip Eye Guarantee. Pups already use a doggie door to go potty outside by the time they are 5 weeks old. So you are already on your way to potty training. The pups are handled by adults and kids from the day they are born. We are in Valley Springs, about 40 minutes from Modesto, Stockton, Lodi. 1 hour from Sac. Beautiful country drive. Stud service available. Breeding since 1992 youtu.be/ormA_l7NKV4
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