Black Tri Girl Toy Aussie- Phoebe
233 families have looked at this puppy!
She is a sweet and cuddly little puppy, always taking a nap in the funniest places and funniest ways. She is super smart. She is just here to please and is loving it! She and all her siblings will all roll over onto their backs and ask for all kinds of belly rubs. She is a hoot, and an overall great pup you just cant deny. She is working on her leash training, crate training and is doing well with her potty training. She has had two of her vaccines and one Bordetella. She is growing up in a loving home, receiving lots of love, training and exposure to new things. I offer a full health guarantee and our dams and sires are full panel tested which ensures you receive a healthy puppy and a life-long companion for you and your family. We also send a homemade blanket that smells like their friends, mommy and us. All of our puppies are ASDR registerable.
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