Hot air balloons are not the only thing popular in New Mexico. It comes in at the Number 2 position on the AVMA study performed in 2012 regarding the states with the most dog owners. It was determined that 46 percent of New Mexico's population owned at least one dog as a family pet. With that percentage, it seems that residents of New Mexico are just as fond of dogs as they are those gorgeous hot air balloons that decorate their skies several times a year.
Both Albuquerque and Roswell are cities in New Mexico with a high number of families and singles that have dogs as a part of their everyday lives.
Albuquerque in particular seems to be a dog's paradise. There are 33,000 acres devoted to public parks, which converts to nearly 1/4 of an acre for every dog living in the city. There are a couple of downsides as in the walkability of the city only being average and more cases of heartworm, but precipitation only happens 61 days of the year so dogs can spend plenty of time outside. In addition, there are 100 restaurants that serve hot dogs or carry a name with the word "dog" included. Something else that is kind of great is The Mayor's Dog Ball that is held every year as a fund raiser for money to support a spaying and neutering program.
You may not live in either of these New Mexico cities, but you can be a part of getting your city on the list of most dog owners just by bringing a dog of your own into your family.
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