Wolf Dog - 7 Weeks
9,197 families have looked at this puppy!
we have 5 girls. born 12/6/2024. cost 1,500. we are taking deposits down on these babies. photos of babies. come with paper. shots. vet check. worming. make great therapy animals. great with kids and animals. protective over owner. 10 times stronger than a dog easier to train and care for. get big. sweet and loving. outstanding partner. healthy no heart worn or. parvo. no allergies to wolf fur. we love are babies. they get the best of every thing . Katie . .
- wolfhaven: no cell phone . land line . you need to e-mail me at
- wolfhaven: hi, e-mail me at . i will then send you photos and info on the 2 i have . i also updated . the ones i have . today . thanks.