Nick - 8 Years old
2,569 people have looked at this stud!
Nick is AKC registered and weighs 80 pounds. He’s a very dark red male golden. He’s a proven stud. He is genetically tested through embark and his his OFA’s for hips and elbows. He’s only available for natural breeding. Feel free to message me
- hootenhaus2: We are in Burleson, TX and have a Beautiful female and are interested in breeding her. Please contact us if you are interested.
- Emma’s Babies: Please contact us at we are interested in a match. Our American Golden is dark auburn we believe this would be a perfect matchup. Please contact us
- Kelsmae143: Interested in Nick, Love his color Email me at Thank you Brianna
- Baggerlygoldens: Are you still breeding Nick. I have a red golden female that is in heat now.
- Bighousegoldens: Interested in breeding my female red golden with your beautiful boy. Plz email me at .
- cdoza67: Interested in breeding to your stud. Please call me at
- cdoza67: Interested in breeding to your stud. Please call me at
- sarborel: Hi I am hoping he is available for stud. Please contact me as soon as possible.
- sarborel: Wow. Is he available for stud? I have a 2 yr old CKC registered looking to breed in the next month or two.
- shalev kent: Hello, I am interested reach me on iMessage at or email me at the same email
- Nanette725: Hi I think your dog Nick is absolutely GORGEOUS Nanette Batey --
- jbaker13: Interested. Can you contact me at