Winston - 9 Years old
3,520 people have looked at this stud!
Winston is an F1 8 yr old, 72 lb., non-shedding, soft, dark-red coated, wavy haired, first-generation Goldendoodle. Born 4/09/16. Besides the normal breeding procedure there is also the option of obtaining frozen sperm from the International Canine Semen Bank where it is being stored. He is OFA certified for hips, heart, and eyes. He has also passed DNA testing. He is very affectionate, intelligent, friendly, playful, quite the gentleman, and as you can see, very handsome. Some of the pictures also contain his female litter mate.
Verified Breeder Phone Verified
- solostinaustin: Do you provide shipped semen at bitch owner cost stud fee? Please Contact
- davidehall: Winston is still breeding He is 5 years old and has had 4 litters so far with the following puppy count 9, 11, 12, and 13 puppies. He has been successful breeding every time with only a 10-40 minute wait time. He has bred 2x with each of the females. Sorr
- huggecai000: Is he still available? I have an F1 2-year-old doodle and she is about to enter the most fertile stage of her heat.
- Karinseattle: Hi. Are still breeding Winston?
- AmaraBlake: I have a golden doodle female that is four months old. Looking to breed her when shes a year. Will this dog be available then? Message me at
- Kkay: Would you be interested in a pick of the litter? I have a labradoodle who will be going into heat very soon. This will be her one and only litter of puppies.
- Kinzie6331: Hi, We have a female Golden doodle we are looking to breed in the next few weeks. Is he still available for Stud?