Wild Blue Yonder - 8 Years old
Poodle Stud
Stud Fee: $1,200
6,655 people have looked at this stud!
Blue is a red parti factored standard poodle stud. He has OFA heart, elbows, and hips certified. He has had genetic testing through embark and is cleared of 170 genetic diseases. He has had fertility testing and has 1 million sperm count. The vet said that was double what they expected. He is a proven stud. He weighs 49 lb. He is a beautiful dog with a great temperament. He is great with children and other dogs. He is AKC and CKC.
Offered by: Angie M.
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- Doodletimetx: I am very interested. I have 2 females that I am expecting their heat cycle early February. My number is
- pattycita: I want to breed my Aussie please … need more info. i called left a message. We lleve im Dallas Area
- Lrobinson: I have a red lab that I would like to breed