Rocco/ AKC X-Factor Romeo - 4 Years old
Poodle Stud
Stud Fee: $1,200
738 people have looked at this stud!
Rocco is ~19 lbs and 15.5 in AKC registered CGC, CGCU, CGCA, and TKN titled. Genetically clear via Canine Health Check. OFA hip/elbows- Good/Normal OFA eyes, patellas, cardiac= normal. Ee kyky atat Bb mm Ssp. Proven. Rocco is amazing. We breed Moyen poodles and our goal has been to get the steady personality of the standard poodle in a smaller package, and Rocco fits this description to a T. He is confident, friendly, incredibly focused/poised/obedient, and touch tolerant. He is just an easygoing guy who is also very smart and motivated for training. You can meet him in person prior to breeding if you would like. Contact for pictures of his puppies and stacked photos