Axel - 3 Years old

Poodle Stud Stud Fee: $1,000

120 people have looked at this stud!

Axel is 27 lbs, 17.5 inches. He is a brown tri-color poodle. He has been Embark tested and confirmed with Paw Prints to be clear of genetic diseases including CDDY and CDPA. OFA hips fair, OFA elbows normal, OFA eyes normal, OFA cardiac normal, OFA patellas normal Axel is a big love bug. He is happy and playful, but also settles easily when its time. He has a very flexible energy level and follows his humans lead. He is very eager to please and human focused. Axel has also earned his CGC title and we are hoping to certify him as a therapy dog soon. Contact us for stacked photos and pictures of Axels puppies.


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